
Good health and wellness is often taken for granted. Good Health systems and proper sanitation are essential for maintaining the dignity of the individual. As well as harnessing the power of sport for health and wellness, we believed that education is an important tool in promoting proper health practices. Health and sanitation cover a broad array of public health issues towards which the foundation cannot possibly channel all its resources.

The foundation will therefore mainly focus on cancer prevention and promoting education on the different types of cancer and on ways of managing them.

Areas of concern:
In the recent years, cancer has emerged as a leading cause of death in the country. As a foundation, we feel it is important to raise awareness on this disease as well as channeling funds towards testing and management of cancer patients in the country.

Focus Points
- Prevention and management of cancer is anchored on early testing and diagnosis. With this in mind, the foundation plans on working with cancer and hospice foundations to intensify early testing and diagnosis as well as care of cancer patients

- Through mobile clinics, the foundation and like-minded partners will establish medical clinics and workshops to facilitate proper testing and management of the condition.